kirbyBOOK offers quite a lot of configuration and customization options within the so called Site Options. To access these, click the Menu icon at the top left of the panel and choose Site Options.
General Options

- Book Title
- The main title of the book. This will be used at the top of the sidebar, within each pages navigation bar as well by your visitors browsers and search engines.
- Book Description
- The books description will be used within the meta data of the sites home page and will be shown by search engines.
- Book Author
- The book author, again, will be added to each pages meta data.
- Content Language
- Set your publications language here. This will improve search engine visibility of your content. Learn more.
Please note that filling in the Book Description and Book Author fields is optional but strongly recommended for search engine visibility puposes.
Visual Options

- Logo
- Your logo will be added at the top of the navigation sidebar. Choose any image format and size you like; kirbyBOOK will handle generating the correct image size for you.
- Highlight Color
- Choose a color to be used as highlight color. It will be used for both links and main headlines throughout the site.
- Default Font
- As you may have noticed, kirbyBOOK let's the visitor choose between a serif and a sans-serif font. With this option you can choose your sites default font that will be shown to new visitors. Please note that, regardless of this setting, the visitor will be able to switch between a serif and sans-serif font.
- Custom CSS
- Use this to add custom CSS rules that will be applied to every page across the whole publication. This allows for easy theme customizations without ever touching a code editor.
Site Footer

- Footer Text
- The sites footer text is displayed within the navigation sidebar right below the chapter/article overview. It is perfect for adding a copyright message or something similar and supports standard markdown features.
ePub Metadata

First introduced with Update 1.1.0 kirbyBOOK lets your readers download your publication as a convenient ePub eBook file.
- Enable ePub eBook Download
- Unchecking this option will completly disable the ePub feature and remove the "Download as ePub" link from the sites »Print« menu.
- Author
- Each ePub file may contain specific information about the other of the book. This (and the »Author (Sorting)«) options lets you specify the eBook author independentely from the main book author used for HTML meta data. this first firld should contain the authors name or a company name in its natural writing eg. »John Doe« or »Donuts, Inc.«.
- Author (Sorting)
- This second author field should contain the author name in a sorting enabled writing like »Doe, John«.
- Publisher
- Use this option to add a name or company name of the books publisher. This could be a person, an organization or a service.
- Publisher URL
- Enter the publishers website URL.
- Description
- An ePub file may contain a short book description. This could include an abstract, a table of contents or any other type of informative text. Use plain text only.
- Subjects
- Add a list of keywords or key phrases that describe the subject of the publication.
- Cover Image
- Choose an image that shall be used as the books cover. Please note that not all eBook readers will display cover images.
Webmaster Tools

Adding your site to Googles Search Console or Bings Webmaster Tools requires you to add a little authentication key to your pages markup. Instead of manually adding them to the templates, you can simply add these tags here and kirbyBOOK will take care of the rest for you.
- Google Search Console Verification Meta Tag
- Enter your Google Search Console verification meta tag. Make sure to add the complete tag, not just the ID.
- Bing Webmaster Tools Verification Meta Tag
- Enter your Bing Webmaster Tools verification meta tag. Make sure to add the complete tag, not just the ID.
Advanced Options

The Advanced Options section contains another set of options that might come in handy even though not everybody will need them. They offer great ways to add extended functionality to your publication without the need to fire up a code editor.
- Favicon/Meta Tags
- Enter all your favicon related markup or other meta tags here. Pro-Tip: A great tool to create your favicon images and the necessary code is Real Favicon Generator.
- Tracking Code
- If you want to use some sort of web analytics software like Google Analytics or Piwik, this is the place to add your tracking code. kirbyBOOK will make sure it is loaded right before the closing
tag. - Custom JavaScript Code
- Use this to enter any additional JavaScript code snippets here. Make sure to include all the