Welcome to kirbyBOOK

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kirbyBOOK is the definitive solution to publishing web based books easily.


Simple to publish. Publish, update and maintain your book easily via the integrated Panel or by using your favorite text or markdown editor. Throw in some Kirbytext (similar to WordPress shortcodes) to spice up your content even more.

Awesome reading experience. Make your book available in a fully-responsive way optimized for both desktop and mobile reading experiences. Let your readers choose between multiple themes, fonts and text sizes.

Based on Kirby. With the help of Kirby you set up your book on top of a well-proven file-based content management system. No hazzle with managing databases and performance drops. Backups are dead-simple.

Ready for your content. Add any kind of content you like. Create multiple chapters containing several articles each. Add images, tables, footnotes. Embed Youtube and Vimeo videos, Tweets and a lot more.

ePub download. Let your readers download a copy of your publication in the well-proven ePub format with simply enabling a checkbox. Everything will be handled for you.

1. Setting up kirbyBOOK

Setting up kirbyBOOK is quite easy and can be done by anybody. Everything you need is already included in the download.

  1. Unzip the downloaded theme files.
  2. Upload them to your webhost.
  3. Point your browser to http://yournewsite.com/panel.

1.1. Installation

Installing kirbyBOOK is really easy. Since it has been crafted on top of Kirby CMS it doesn't need any sort of database setup at all. Just copy the files to your server and you're good to go.

  1. Unzip the downloaded theme files package.
  2. Upload everything to your server (make sure to include the invisible .htaccess file).
  3. Point your browser to http://yournewsite.com/panel and use the included installer to create your first user account.

This is really all it takes to get up and running with a basic kirbyBOOK powered publication.

Please remember that Kirby CMS is not free. If you use this theme on a public website, don't forget to buy a license for Kirby (currently from €15,- / $17,-).

1.2. Configuration

kirbyBOOK offers quite a lot of configuration and customization options within the so called Site Options. To access these, click the Menu icon at the top left of the panel and choose Site Options.

General Options

kirbyBOOK General Options
Book Title
The main title of the book. This will be used at the top of the sidebar, within each pages navigation bar as well by your visitors browsers and search engines.
Book Description
The books description will be used within the meta data of the sites home page and will be shown by search engines.
Book Author
The book author, again, will be added to each pages meta data.
Content Language
Set your publications language here. This will improve search engine visibility of your content. Learn more.

Please note that filling in the Book Description and Book Author fields is optional but strongly recommended for search engine visibility puposes.

Visual Options

kirbyBOOK Visual Options
Your logo will be added at the top of the navigation sidebar. Choose any image format and size you like; kirbyBOOK will handle generating the correct image size for you.
Highlight Color
Choose a color to be used as highlight color. It will be used for both links and main headlines throughout the site.
Default Font
As you may have noticed, kirbyBOOK let's the visitor choose between a serif and a sans-serif font. With this option you can choose your sites default font that will be shown to new visitors. Please note that, regardless of this setting, the visitor will be able to switch between a serif and sans-serif font.
Custom CSS
Use this to add custom CSS rules that will be applied to every page across the whole publication. This allows for easy theme customizations without ever touching a code editor.

Site Footer

kirbyBOOK Site Footer Options
Footer Text
The sites footer text is displayed within the navigation sidebar right below the chapter/article overview. It is perfect for adding a copyright message or something similar and supports standard markdown features.

ePub Metadata

kirbyBOOK ePub Metadata Options

First introduced with Update 1.1.0 kirbyBOOK lets your readers download your publication as a convenient ePub eBook file.

Enable ePub eBook Download
Unchecking this option will completly disable the ePub feature and remove the "Download as ePub" link from the sites »Print« menu.
Each ePub file may contain specific information about the other of the book. This (and the »Author (Sorting)«) options lets you specify the eBook author independentely from the main book author used for HTML meta data. this first firld should contain the authors name or a company name in its natural writing eg. »John Doe« or »Donuts, Inc.«.
Author (Sorting)
This second author field should contain the author name in a sorting enabled writing like »Doe, John«.
Use this option to add a name or company name of the books publisher. This could be a person, an organization or a service.
Publisher URL
Enter the publishers website URL.
An ePub file may contain a short book description. This could include an abstract, a table of contents or any other type of informative text. Use plain text only.
Add a list of keywords or key phrases that describe the subject of the publication.
Cover Image
Choose an image that shall be used as the books cover. Please note that not all eBook readers will display cover images.

Webmaster Tools

kirbyBOOK Webmaster Tools Options

Adding your site to Googles Search Console or Bings Webmaster Tools requires you to add a little authentication key to your pages markup. Instead of manually adding them to the templates, you can simply add these tags here and kirbyBOOK will take care of the rest for you.

Google Search Console Verification Meta Tag
Enter your Google Search Console verification meta tag. Make sure to add the complete tag, not just the ID.
Bing Webmaster Tools Verification Meta Tag
Enter your Bing Webmaster Tools verification meta tag. Make sure to add the complete tag, not just the ID.

Advanced Options

kirbyBOOK Advanced Options

The Advanced Options section contains another set of options that might come in handy even though not everybody will need them. They offer great ways to add extended functionality to your publication without the need to fire up a code editor.

Favicon/Meta Tags
Enter all your favicon related markup or other meta tags here. Pro-Tip: A great tool to create your favicon images and the necessary code is Real Favicon Generator.
Tracking Code
If you want to use some sort of web analytics software like Google Analytics or Piwik, this is the place to add your tracking code. kirbyBOOK will make sure it is loaded right before the closing </body> tag.
Custom JavaScript Code
Use this to enter any additional JavaScript code snippets here. Make sure to include all the <script> tags.

1.3. Publishing Non-English Books

kirbyBOOK gives you the freedom to publish your book in any language you want.

Setting the content language

If you choose to publish your book in a language other then English, you should visit the Site Options and set the Content Language setting accordingly. This will a) tell search engines what language your book is published in and b) tell kirbyBOOK to load the respective theme translation (button/icon hints, Dashboard links, etc.), if available.

kirbyBOOK currently includes theme translations for the following languages:

  • English
  • German

Translating the theme

If you want to use kirbyBOOK with a content language that's not included in the above list you may want to add the theme translation yourself. When you don't add a corresponding theme translation, kirbyBOOK will just fallback to default English texts nicely.

To add a theme translation you have to create a new translation file for your language. The easiest way to do so is to copy an existing translation and change all the texts accordingly. Don't worry though, this is really easy:

  1. Find the default translation file site/languages/en.php
  2. Copy and rename it to your desired languages ID (eg. de.php or fr.php)
  3. Open the newly created file in a text editor of your choice and translate all the texts.
  4. That's it. kirbyBOOK will use the texts you provided from now on.

2. Adding Content

Since kirbyBOOK is build on top of Kirby CMS managing your books content, chapters and articles is dead simple. You could even do with nothing more then a basic text editor.

The following pages will give you a comprehensive overview of adding and managing chapters and articles inside your online publication.

2.1. Creating Pages

Each kirbyBOOK powered publication consists of a variety of pages and subpages. These pages and subpages are made up of page types called "Chapters" and "Articles".

Chapters & Articles

Generally, chapters and articles are very similar. In fact, both page types allow you to add the same type of page content with exactely the same Markdown and Kirbytext support. The only difference is that a chapter may contain any number of articles as subpages while articles can't contain any further articles. This allows for a better content breakdown and helps automatically defining the left hand navigation menu.

Of course an article does not necessarily have to be put into a chapter. You may also create standalone articles that are not added to a chapter and live on their own (see the Purchasing and Help pages as examples).

Creating a new page

To create a new page you have to navigate to your site Dashboard. If you want to add a new root level page (whether it's a chapter or an article), simply click the Add button in the Pages section.

Root Pages Section

If you however want to add an article to an already existing chapter, first click the chapters name to change to its dedicated Dashboard page. Then, from the Pages section in the sidebar choose Add.

Page Subpages Section

After clicking the Add button, a modal window will pop up asking you for the new pages name, its URL-appendix and a template. Enter a name, maybe modify the autogenerated appendix and choose a template (in some situations there may be only one option to choose from).

Creating a new page

Page Content

After creating a new page, you'll be taken to the newly created pages dedicated Dashboard page. There you can add the pages title and headline as well as its text content.

Page Content
The pages title will be used within the navigation menu.
Specifying an optional headline lets you set the pages headline independently from its title. This is nice for headlines that would be to long to be used in the navigation menu.
This is where you add the pages content. You may use all supported Markdown and Kirbytext features (see all available Typography) as well as Includes and Replacements.

Page Options

In addition to the main content, each page has a small set of options that allow you to control various aspects of its behaviour.

Page Settings

From this section you can choose if a page will be added to the sites autogenerated XML sitemap. In addition to that, you may also overwrite the pages default sitemap priority.

Page Options
Include in Sitemap
By disabling this checkbox you can remove the page from the autogenerated xml sitemap completely. Rechecking the checkbox will added back immediately.
Sitemap Priority
By default, a pages sitemap priority is calculated based on how deep it is nested within other pages (1 / <page depth>). You can overwrite this value by setting this option to any number between 0.1 and 1.

Advanced Options

This section includes an option that should only be used by

Advanced Page Options
Custom CSS
Use this to add custom CSS rules that will be applied to this page only. This allows for special per-page stylings.

2.2. Formatting Text

When it comes to defining the actual content, Kirby uses a custom flavor of John Grubers Markdown syntax, called Kirbytext. Kirbytext is a simple yet powerful syntax to format text, that is easy to understand and to read.

Kirbytext inherits all basic Markdown features and extends them with simpler and more powerful tags for adding images, embedding videos or including download links for files.

On top of that, kirbyBOOK adds some additional Kirbytext tags that make embedding multimedia content and setting up reusable text snippets ever easier.

Markdown & Kirbytext Features

You can learn all about the basic Markdown features at the official Markdown website.

If you want a more to-the-point overview of formatting your content with Markdown and Kirbytext you can have a look at the Formatting text article from the Kirby docs.

Markdown Extra

In addition to plain Markdown, kirbyBOOK supports some more advanced features, called Markdown Extra, that are specifically relevant to book-like publications: tables and footnotes. Have a look at the Typography page to see how to add tables and footnotes and how they are styled.

Custom Kirbytext Tags

kirbyBOOK comes with some additional Kirbytext Tags that extend the available features even further. The main custom features are:

2.3. Embedding Media

Embedding various media objects like Youtube videos, Instagram pictures, Vines or Tweets is as easy as it could possibly be. The reason for this is a custom Kirbytext Tag (similar to a WordPress Shortcode or BBCode) that kirbyBOOK provides out of the box.

To add one of the various supported media objects to your page, all you need to do is to use the (embed) Kirbytext tag and add the url of the object you would like to embed to it.

Here are some highlights of the long list of sites you can embed from (full list):

  • Amazon
  • Dribbble
  • Flickr
  • gfycat
  • GitHub
  • Imgur
  • Instagram
  • Kickstarter
  • PollDaddy
  • SoundCloud
  • Spotify
  • Twitch.tv
  • Vimeo
  • Vine
  • Wikipedia
  • YouTube

To make using oEmbed as painless as possible, kirbyBOOK heavily relys on a service called Embedly Cards. It takes your media urls and generates the beautiful and responsive embeds you like so much asynchronously (without affecting page load times).


When using the(embed) Kirbytext tag, there is a small set of options you can use to customize the display of the embedded images/videos/articles.

Option Default Options Description
chrome no yes, no Show/hide a left hand colored border
controls no yes, no Show/hide social share buttons
width 100% any % or px based value Set the width of the embed
width center left, center, right Alignment of the embed






2.4. Includes

Includes are a convenient way for reusing content portions across multiple places of your publication. They are optimal for storing large and confusing table definitions outside of your main content while making them easily editable. They are also great for storing text that will be used at multiple places within your content, such as license texts, copyright notices, system requirements, call-to-action buttons, etc.

In fact, this demo site uses an Include to for the "Buy now!" button code so it can be easily dropped in anywhere.

Prepage an Include

Before you can add an Include to your content you need to create it. From your site Dashboards Pages section, choose Includes. This is the central place all your includes will be stored at conviniently.


From the Add your Includes section, choose Add to create a new Include. Add an Include indicator and your Include text. You may use any Markdown or Markdown Extra features of your liking. Everything that's available to regular pages is available here, too.

One thing to note: after defining new Includes make sure to scroll down all the way to the bottom of the page and hit that big Save button. Otherwise you newly added Includes may be lost.

Using an Include

Importing an include is really easy using the include Kirbytext tag:

( include: copyright)

 ↑ Make sure to remove this space character when copy & pasting…

One thing to keep in mind is that

Recursive Includes

Please note that recursive includes and sub-includes are not supported right now. In easy words that means your includes can't contain other includes.

2.5. Replacements

Replacements are a great way to apply consistent styles to any number of occurances of a word (or a number of words) across the whole site and to make editing the styles a breeze. They also offer a great way of adding consistent icons to your content without repeating the required code over and over again.

Let's say you have multiple occurances of your brands name in your content and you want to add a destinctive style to them so every mention of the brands name looks like BrandName. This style is created by adding <span style="color: #0074d9">Brand<strong>Name</strong></span>. While surely you could just add this code everywhere your brand name should appear, using a {{brandname}} Replacement has some advantages.
Say you want to change the style of your brand later on. Without the use of a Replacement, you'd have to find every single occurance of the code and replace it with the new one. This can be quite time consuming and frusttrating. With a Replacement however, all you need to do is to change a single Replacement definition and all occurances of your brands name are updated automatically for you.

Prepare a Replacement

First you need to set up your replacement or, in other words, make it known to kirbyBOOK. From your sites Dashboards Pages section navigate to Replacements.


From the Add your Replacements section, choose Add to create a new replacement. Add a replacement indicator and your replacement text. The replacement text can include any markdown or HTML formatting you'd like.


One thing to note: after defining new replacements make sure to scroll down all the way to the bottom of the page and hit that big Save button. Otherwise you newly added Replacements may be lost.

Add a Replacement to Your Content

After setting up the replacement you're good to go to use it within your content. Just add the replacement indicator (wrapped with curly braces) averywhere you want your styled brand name to appear: {{brandname}}. kirbyBOOK will handle replacing the indicator with the actual code for you.

3. Available Typography

General Styles

Paragraph: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.

Strong: At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Italic: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.

Strikethough: At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum.

Anchor: Click me!

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Heading 5
Heading 6


Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero.


Unordered list

  • List Item
  • List Item
    • Subitem
    • Subitem
    • Subitem
  • List Item
  • List Item
  • List Item

Ordered list

  1. List Item
  2. List Item
    1. Subitem
    2. Subitem
    3. Subitem
  3. List Item
  4. List Item

Definition list


3.1. Multiple Columns

With kirbyBOOK you can create flexible, responsive and fully-featured multi-column text blocks easily by simply wrapping your content with a set of custom Kirbytext tags.

To set up a multi-column layout text block just wrap the content you want to be layed out in columns with (columns…) and (…columns) and separate each columns content with ++++. You may create layouts with up to three columns.

With each columns content you may use all other types of Markdown and Kirbytext formatting options (see Updates » Version 1.0.1 for example).

Example: two column layout

Column A Content

Column B Content

(columns… ) ⟵ Remove space character here

Column A Content


Column B Content

(…columns ) ⟵ Remove space character here

Example: three column layout

Column A Content

Column B Content

Column C Content

(columns… ) ⟵ Remove space character here

Column A Content


Column B Content


Column C Content

(…columns ) ⟵ Remove space character here

3.2. Tables

Based on Markdown Extra, kirbyBOOK has its own syntax for simple tables. A “simple” table looks like this:

First Header Second Header
Content Cell Content Cell
Content Cell Content Cell

and is generated by this:

| First Header  | Second Header |
| ------------- | ------------- |
| Content Cell  | Content Cell  |
| Content Cell  | Content Cell  |

You can specify the alignment for each column by adding colons to separator lines. A colon at the left of the separator line will make the column left-aligned (default); a colon on the right of the line will make the column right-aligned; colons at both side means the column is center-aligned.


| Item      | Size   | Value |
| --------- | :----: | -----:|
| Computer  | Large  | $1600 |
| Phone     | Tiny   |   $12 |
| Tablet    | Medium |    $1 |

Resulting Table:

Item Size Value
Computer Large $1600
Phone Tiny $12
Tablet Medium $1

3.3. Footnotes

Every good book needs a little footnote here and there.1 A footnote is made of two things: a marker in the text that will become a superscript number and a footnote definition that will be placed in a list of footnotes at the end of the document. A footnote looks like this:2

Every good book needs a little footnote here and there.[^1]

[^1]: Yes, it most certainly does!

  1. Yes, it most certainly does! 

  2. It's as easy as that. 

4. How to get kirbyBOOK

Buy now!

Where to get it?

kirbyBOOK is available for purchase right from this website (just click that big'ol Buy now! button above). Payments are handled nice and securely via Gumroad. They'll also take care of delivering all future updates right to your inbox so you'll never miss out on any new features.

What is included?

When it comes to purchasing kirbyBOOK, you'll get to choose between two versions:

  1. A standard ready-to-use edition that you can upload to your webhost without any further ado.
  2. A developer edition for advanced users which includes all source files for esier customization.

Each license you purchase is valid for a single website (of course you may create as many local development/testing installations as you like). If you want to use kirbyBOOK on multiple websites or domains, you may choose the number of licenses you need during the checkout process. If you need a lot of licenses (6 or more) drop me a message at support@jd-powered.net to talk about and arrange volume discounts.

Files Standard Edition Developer Edition
Kirby Core
Kirby Panel
Theme Files
Demo Content
JavaScript Source Files
SCSS Source Files
Git Configuration Files
NPM Package Files
Bower Package Files
Gulp Workflow
Composer Package Files
PHP CS Fixer Configuration Files

Please keep in mind that, similar to other Kirby themes on the market, kirbyBOOK doesn't include a Kirby CMS license. It needs to be purchased seperately (currently from €15 / $17).

Standard (ready-to-use) Edition

The standard Edition includes all required theme files, assets and the complete set of demo content (as seen on this website). Everything is nicely prepared and embedded into a fresh, preconfigured and up-to-date Kirby installation.

This edition was made especially for non-code oriented people that just want to start publishing their book with kirbyBOOK without having to worry about any tweaks, modifications, customizations, compiling, etc…

Developer Edition

In addition to the Standard Edition you may choose to get a hold on the special Developer Edition. Choose this edition if you want to make your own heavy modifications or customizations to kirbyBOOK. In addition to the Standard Edition the Developer Edition includes:

  • all uncompressed and well-documented JavaScript and Sass source files
  • Composer, Bower and Npm package files to install all vendor assets required for development
  • The complete Gulp workflow for compiling the assets
  • Additional configuration files that enable you to use a complete Git-based workflow, including .gitignore and .gitmodules.

5. Updates

5.1. Version 1.0.1

The updated version 1.0.1 contains mainly…


  • Updated "Print" button functionality: Clicking the print button now shows a dropdown that lets you choose from either printing the complete book or the current page only.
  • Multi-column text layout: Adding responsive multi-column text blocks is a breeze with the new column Kirbytext tag.

Additional changes and bugfixes

  • Fixed elastic scrolling on iOS devices
  • Nicer underlines for hovered links
  • Opening one dropdown now closes the others


  1. Replace your old /assets and /site directories with the ones from the update.

Changed files

Status File
Modified assets/css/main.min.css
Modified assets/css/main.min.css.map
Modified assets/js-source/components/core.js1
Modified assets/js-source/components/dropdown.js1
Modified assets/js/main.min.js
Modified assets/js/main.min.js.map
Modified assets/scss/_components.book.scss1
Modified assets/scss/_components.markdown.scss1
Added assets/scss/_objects.columns.scss1
Modified assets/scss/_settings.global.scss1
Modified assets/scss/_trumps.print.scss1
Modified assets/scss/main.scss1
Modified site/languages/de.php
Modified site/languages/en.php
Added site/plugins/columns/columns.php
Modified site/plugins/theme/theme.php
Modified site/snippets/book/header.php

  1. Only included in developer edition. 

5.2. Version 1.1.0

The updated version 1.1.0 adds the new »Download as ePub« feature, upgrades kirbyBOOK to Kirby CMS 2.2 and contains various small fixes.


  • ePub download: Let your readers download a copy of your publication in the well-proven ePub format by simply enabling a checkbox in the site options. Everything will be handled for you.
  • Faster browsing experience: With the help of a little PJAX magic browsing a publication powered by kirbyBOOK is faster then ever before.
  • Improved media embedding: A new and improved way of adding mutimedia objects like Vimeo and YouTube videos, tweets, vines, etc. to your content makes this feature a lot quicker and more powerful.
  • Kirby 2.2: Take advantage of the new features Kirby 2.2 brings. This includes the completly rewritten Panel which makes managing your content even more easy.

Additional changes and bugfixes

  • Choose to exclude the Introduction page from the chapter/article numbering
  • Use keyboard arrows to navigate between pages
  • Optimized gulp task structure and javascript compiling workflow


  1. Make a backup of your old /content directory.
  2. Replace all old files and folders (except your /content directory) with the new ones from the download.
  3. From the Panel:
    1. Update your »Site Options« by filling in the new »ePub Metadata« section.
    2. Walk through all your chapters/articles and resave them.

Changed files

M       assets/css/main.min.css
M       assets/css/main.min.css.map
M       assets/css/panel.min.css.map
D       assets/js-source/components/core.js
M       assets/js-source/components/dropdown.js
A       assets/js-source/components/navigation.js
A       assets/js-source/components/oembed.js
A       assets/js-source/components/platform.js
A       assets/js-source/components/print.js
M       assets/js-source/components/sidebar.js
M       assets/js-source/components/theme.js
D       assets/js-source/jquery-2.1.4.js
M       assets/js-source/main.js
D       assets/js/jquery-2.1.4.min.js
D       assets/js/jquery-2.1.4.min.js.map
M       assets/js/main.min.js
D       assets/js/main.min.js.map
M       assets/scss/_trumps.fontawesome.scss
A       assets/scss/_trumps.nprogress.scss
M       assets/scss/main.scss
M       bower.json
M       composer.json
M       composer.lock
M       gulpfile.js
M       kirby
M       package.json
M       panel
D       site/blueprints/article.php
A       site/blueprints/article.yml
D       site/blueprints/chapter.php
A       site/blueprints/chapter.yml
D       site/blueprints/error.php
A       site/blueprints/error.yml
D       site/blueprints/home.php
A       site/blueprints/home.yml
D       site/blueprints/include.php
A       site/blueprints/include.yml
D       site/blueprints/includes.php
A       site/blueprints/includes.yml
D       site/blueprints/printable.php
A       site/blueprints/printable.yml
D       site/blueprints/replacements.php
A       site/blueprints/replacements.yml
D       site/blueprints/site.php
A       site/blueprints/site.yml
D       site/blueprints/sitemap.php
A       site/blueprints/sitemap.yml
M       site/config/config.php
M       site/fields/color
M       site/fields/markdown
M       site/fields/selector
M       site/languages/de.php
M       site/languages/en.php
M       site/models/base.php
M       site/models/printable.php
A       site/plugins/epub-exporter/epub-exporter.php
M       site/plugins/helpers/helpers.php
A       site/plugins/hooks/hooks.php
D       site/plugins/oembed/oembed.php
M       site/plugins/theme/theme.php
M       site/snippets/book.php
M       site/snippets/book/header.php
M       site/snippets/book/page.php
M       site/snippets/book/print.php
M       site/snippets/footer.php
M       site/snippets/header.php
M       site/snippets/navigation/item.php
A       site/tags/embed.php
A       tasks/css.js
A       tasks/js.js
M       vendor

Please note: this list contains files and folders that may only be included in the Developer Edition of kirbyBOOK.

6. Getting further help

You're stuck? Can't figure out all the things? No worries! You can always:

  1. Use the contact form in the bottom right corner of this page to send an inquiry
  2. Send a support request by email: support@jd-powered.net
  3. Send a quick tweet to @DieserJonas (short questions only!)


Broken subpages

Visiting your home (or "Introduction") page works great, but trying to visit any subpage shows a blank page or even leads to a server error? Please make sure that you:

  1. Included the (hidden) .htaccess file when uploading / moving the kirbyBOOK files
  2. Updated your RewriteBase setting according to your setup.

If you're running kirbyBOOK at the root of your domain try enabling the RewriteBase in your .htaccess file like so:

RewriteBase /

If you're running kirbyBOOK in a subfolder, make sure to set the RewriteBase according to the name of your subfolder:

RewriteBase /my-subfolder

Broken content after saving

If your site displays the initial demo content just fine but breaks as soon as you try to save your own content changes or your content files (within the /content directory) look broken this might be an issue with a missing PHP extension.

To handle text correctly, kirbyBOOK uses the mbstring extension. While this comes preinstalled with 99% of hosting providers there might be situations where this is missing. Try contacting your hosting provider and kindly ask them to enable that essential extension for you.