Formatting Text

When it comes to defining the actual content, Kirby uses a custom flavor of John Grubers Markdown syntax, called Kirbytext. Kirbytext is a simple yet powerful syntax to format text, that is easy to understand and to read.

Kirbytext inherits all basic Markdown features and extends them with simpler and more powerful tags for adding images, embedding videos or including download links for files.

On top of that, kirbyBOOK adds some additional Kirbytext tags that make embedding multimedia content and setting up reusable text snippets ever easier.

Markdown & Kirbytext Features

You can learn all about the basic Markdown features at the official Markdown website.

If you want a more to-the-point overview of formatting your content with Markdown and Kirbytext you can have a look at the Formatting text article from the Kirby docs.

Markdown Extra

In addition to plain Markdown, kirbyBOOK supports some more advanced features, called Markdown Extra, that are specifically relevant to book-like publications: tables and footnotes. Have a look at the Typography page to see how to add tables and footnotes and how they are styled.

Custom Kirbytext Tags

kirbyBOOK comes with some additional Kirbytext Tags that extend the available features even further. The main custom features are: